Jamaican Opportunity

About this trip

Here is some information for a Christian, short-term, dental mission trip to Jamaica. The trip goal is to bring the Good News of Eternal Salvation through Jesus Christ to our Jamaican brothers and sisters through the gift of free dental care. The trip lasts one week and will be to the South Coast village of Hopewell, St. Elizabeth. Typically, we arrive Saturday around 1:00PM, travel 2 1/2 hours to our South Coast destination, set up on Sunday and work Monday through Thursday. Friday is a fun day and we return on Saturday around 1 p.m. The cost is $850.00 plus the airfare. Dental procedures include cleanings, fillings, extractions and root canal therapy. Everyone on the trip must have a servant’s heart and be willing to put others ahead of themselves. We work hard, deal with the heat, bugs, power outages, hunger, thirst, and difficult
procedures, but the rewards are immense and life changing.

***Please note: This is not a party trip. Alcohol is not permitted at the villas or at the clinic and anyone in violation will be sent home at their own expense. Marijuana and other illegal drugs are strictly prohibited at all times, and violators will be sent home at their own expense


1. How much extra money should I bring for the trip?

We usually tell people to bring around $200. Each excursion, which we highly recommend doing, is $40. The rest would be for souvenirs and extra food. If you don’t have a lot of people to buy for, then you probably don’t need that much money. That’s just what we say to cover our bases. Also, bills smaller than $20 will come in handy.

2. Where do we stay?

We rent a several villas that are close to each other. Meals are eaten together at one of the houses.

3. Is it safe?

Yes! It is very safe. We’ve been going to this area of Jamaica for over 20 years and the people in the neighborhoods know us. They respect us and are so thankful for all that we do for them. Even though it is a safe area, you will want to safeguard your passport and other valuables.

4. What's our daily schedule like?

Saturday: Arrive in Montego Bay, Jamaica around noon, late lunch at the Pork Pit (typical Jamaican food), 2 ½-hour car ride to Treasure Beach where we stay for the week.

Sunday: The day begins with 9:00 a.m. brunch followed by Christ-centered devotions. After devotions we will head to YS Falls for a day of fun–wonderful natural water falls, about one hour away, where there is swimming, climbing on rocks, and a Zipline. Bring cameras and water shoes. On Sunday, some will stop at the clinic in the afternoon and do a preliminary set-up so that the clinic is ready to go on Monday morning.

Monday-Thursday: Wake up leisurely, workout if desired, lay out if the sun is calling, breakfast together at 8 a.m., devotions at 8:30, leave for clinic at 9, arrive at clinic 9:30. Work 10-6? 7? 8? We usually work until between 6-7 but if there happens to be a complicated extraction that goes late, which probably will happen, we can stay later. Dinner together when we are all done, then night swim? Cards? Admire the stars? Alcohol is not permitted at the villas.

Friday: We will have breakfast and then head off for a fun day on the water. We can go for a boat ride up the Black River (approximately $40 per person), see the crocodiles, and have lunch and a swim in the river–for those who dare! On the way back, we will stop at Pelican Bar, a little restaurant bar built out in the ocean on a sand bar where a lot of pelicans hang out, thus the name Pelican Bar. Bring a football or Frisbee to throw around. Floyd will be glad to see you and serve you a Ting and some fresh fish and rice. Early dinner back at the villas.

Saturday: 7:00 a.m. breakfast and depart at 7:30 a.m. for airport to arrive at 10:00 a.m. for the early afternoon flights.

5. Do we really have to pack in only one carry-on?

Yes. We are bringing bags of supplies that we need to check through under all of our names. You should be able to fit all of your personal belongings in one carry-on bag. For those of you who think this might be a problem, it’s not as difficult as you think. We usually bring four pairs of scrubs, swimsuit, and workout clothes. You don’t need that much for this week! We also try to pack lightly because there’s not a ton of room in the vans to transport us and our luggage! If everyone packs smaller bags, it’s a lot easier!

6. What should I pack?
  • Four pairs of scrubs. They can be school scrubs, scrubs that you got for Christmas, whatever
    you want. Nothing inappropriate on them.
  • Shoes to wear in the clinic (see question 10)
  • Socks & undies
  • Workout clothes if you so choose
  • A swim suit (again, NO ONE will care if you wear the same one all week-seriously).
  • Sunglasses, beach hat, sunscreen
  • WATER-SHOES or shoes to walk on the coral with. We highly recommend getting some
    water-shoes (they usually have cheap ones at Target or any sporting goods store would have
    nicer ones). If you have a pair of old gym shoes that you’re fine walking around in the ocean
    with, those will work.
  • Toiletries (try to pack small bottles of shampoo etc. so that we don’t have to send it to check
    through-you can’t carry on more than 3 ounces of liquid)
  • Camera—use your phone
  • PASSPORT that has 6 months before expiration after you return home
  • Loupes
  • A few t-shirts and a pair of shorts just to wear around after the clinic
7. How do I bring enough sunscreen if I have to pack in a carry-on?

Usually a few go in on sunscreen together and bring that to share. If you get it to the team leader ahead of time, they can put it in a duffel bag to be checked through with the supplies so that way you can bring a bigger bottle.

8. Are the outlets the same?

Yup. The current is a little different so hair dryers etc. run a little hotter, but still work fine.

9. Do I need safety glasses?

If you are a dental student, please bring a pair. We have a few pairs floating around the clinic but not nearly enough for everyone.

10. What kind of shoes can I wear in the clinic?

Any comfortable, closed-toe shoe. Crocs without holes are fine. Toms are fine. NO sandals. Be prepared to be standing all day so wear something that’s comfortable. They do NOT need to be white.

11. Is there Wi-Fi where we stay?

Yes, although it is slow and kind of splotchy so it won’t work as fast as in the US.

12. Should I bring my loupes and headlight?

We would strongly recommend bringing them. Every dental student will be doing restorative, but depending on patient needs, may only be doing it for one day or so. If they help you do extractions, bring them. If they help you in restorative, bring them. If you do bring them, make sure you know where they are at all times because things can get lost and forgotten in the clinic.

13. Is it safe to bring my iPhone or laptop?

Yes, as long as you make sure to be careful and not leave it sitting out. The houses and clinic will be locked when we are not there. It is in your best interest to bring your least expensive cameras and devices. The same goes for jewelry, unless it’ll be on you the whole time.

14. What costs are included on the trip?

Jamaican government registration fees, dental supplies, insurance, island team transportation, most meals, and lodging are included in your registration fees.

15. What's items are not included?

Airfare, excursions, shopping items, extra snacks and beverages

CDS Chair Assembly

Aseptico Task Force
Unit Operations for CDS